BEST HYMNS 100, 2011 CD
Формат: 6 CD
Количество дисков: 6
1-2. Choir of King's College, Cambridge
3. Choirs of York Minister and Liverpool Cathedral
4. Temple Church Choir
5. Hudderfield Choral Society, At The Cenotaph, Stainer's Crucifixion, American Boychoir
6. Choir of King's College, Cambridge
Страна: ЕС
Баркод: 5099994830620
Cтиль: Classical
Страница исполнителя: VARIOUS ARTISTS
- Диск 1
- Диск 2
- Диск 3
- Диск 4
- Диск 5
- Диск 6
- Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
- Morning Has Broken
- Come Down, o Love Divine
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- O What Their Joy and Their Glory Must Be
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
- Be Thou My Vision
- The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, Is Ended
- Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation
- My Song Is Love Unknown
- The Lord’s My Shepherd
- Thine Be the Glory
- Drop, Drop, Slow Tears
- Glorious Things of Three Are Spoken
- All People That on Earth Do Dwell
- And Did Those Feet in Ancient Times (Jerusalem)
- Abide With Me (Eventide)
- I Vow to Thee, My Country (Thaxted)
- Alleluya, Sing to Jesus (Hyfrydol)
- Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem (St Fulbert)
- The Head That Once Was Crowned With Thorns (St Magnus)
- Holy, Holy, Holy (Nicaea)
- Praise to the Holiest in the Heights (Richmond)
- Wake, O Wake! (Wachet auf!)
- On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry (Winchester New)
- There Is a Green Hill (Horsley)
- O Sacred Head Sore Wounded (Passion Chorale)
- Jesus Christ Is Risen Today (Easter Hymn)
- Bright the Vision That Delighted (Redhead No 46)
- Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire (Veni creatur)
- Evening Hymn (Te lucis ante terminum)
- How Great Thou Art (Sanningsvittnet)
- Let All the World in Every Corner Sing (Luckington)
- Amazing Grace (New Britain)
- For All the Saints Who From Their Labours Rest (Sine nomine)
- How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (St Peter)
- Rejoice, the Lord Is King (Gopsal)
- Soul of My Saviour (Anima Christi)
- Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun (Truro)
- O Worship the King (Hanover)
- All Creatures of Our God and King (Lasst uns erfreuen)
- Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory (Battle Hymn)
- Lead Us, Heavenly Father, Lead Us (Mannheim)
- On a Hill Far Away Stood an Old Rugged Cross (The Old Rugged Cross)
- All My Hope on God Is Founded (Michael)
- O Come and Mourn With Me Awhile (St Cross)
- Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Blaenwern)
- Onward, Christian Soldiers! (St Gertrude)
- The Lord’s My Shepherd (Crimond)
- Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (Love Divine)
- Hark, What a Sound (Highwood)
- The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Dominus regit me)
- Soldiers of Christ, Arise (St Ethelwald)
- Alleluya, Sing to Jesus (Ebenezer)
- Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word (Liebster Jesu)
- Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep (Buckland)
- Be Thou My Guardian (Abridge)
- Lift Up Your Heads (Crucis Victoria)
- Spirit of Mercy, Truth and Love (Melcombe)
- Thou Whose Almighty Word (Moscow)
- Forth in Thy Name, o Lord, I Go (Angel’s Song)
- O Praise Ye the Lord (Laudate Dominus)
- Jesus, Blessed Saviour (Eudoxia)
- All Hail the Power of Jesu’s Name (Ladywell)
- Now Thank We All Our God (Nun danket)
- Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (Cwm Rhondda)
- Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise (St Denio)
- Jesu, Lover of My Soul (Aberystwyth)
- Christians Awake, Salute the Happy Morn (Stockport)
- Eternal Father, Strong to Save (Melita)
- Crown Him With Any Crowns (Diademata)
- Abide With Me (Eventide)
- O God, Our Help in Ages Past (St Anne)
- Cross of Jesus, Cross of Sorrow (Cross of Jesus)
- Holy Jesu, by Thy Passion
- Jesus, the Crucified, Pleads for Me
- I Adore Thee, I Adore Thee!
- All for Jesus - All for Jesus (Wycliff)
- Christe, qui lux es et dies
- Fairest Lord Jesus (St Elisabeth , Schonster Herr Jesu)
- God Be With You Till We Meet Again (Randolph)
- Once in Royal David’s City (Irby)
- While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night (Winchester Old)
- God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen
- O Little Town of Bethlehem (Forest Green)
- The First Nowell
- As With Gladness Men of Old (Dix)
- Of the Father’s Heart Begotten (Divinum mysterium)
- O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Veni Emmanuel)
- Bethlehem of Noblest Cities (Stuttgart)
- It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Noel)
- O Come, All Ye Faithful (Adeste fideles)
- Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Mendelssohn)
- Vom Himmel hoch
- Herr Christ, der ein’ge Gottes-Sohn
- Jesu, meine Freude
- Puer natus in Bethlehem
- In dulci jubilo
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